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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Mar 29, 2019

Episode 165: James Newcomb AKA Jimi the Don       

mindfulglassworks on Instagram  

I was born in Providence, Rhode Island, 16th of June, year of our science, 1980.I dropped out of college to get into business management, traveled around the country for a bit, sold glass for people at shows and festivals...

Mar 25, 2019

Episode 211-Wyoming Mofo

As a full time glass artist residing in the great state of Wyoming, his seclusion to the outside world hindered his growth as an artist for the first decade of his career. Then one day he was introduced to the work of talented artist SALT and it changed his life forever. Upon taking a class from...

Mar 4, 2019

Episode 210: Aaron Evan- Love Yourself not Your Ego
     For well over a decade Aaron Evans has been spreading his distinct D.I.Y. brand of rebellious, uplifting and brutally honest artwork around the world. He ran Dove Ink Records, an Indy Hip Hop Label with his good friend Illogic. He published gonzo style articles...