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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Dec 31, 2015

BEpisode 69- Happy New Years and Big hugs for all the love during the first 6-months of the show. First and Foremost  and huge thank you and love to my Wife and Kids whom without your support none of this would be possible.  Thank you to all my...

Dec 23, 2015


    I have to start off with a big Thank You!!! Thank you for listening to the shows, for the feedback and for the support over the last 6-months of this show. It has been an adventure to say the least. Making every possible mistake when it comes to recording, editing, and saving these shows, I...

Dec 19, 2015

For starters.  Pardon the few yawns....I recorded this super early and missed a couole
in the edits ......
    when it comes
to the end of every year all we hear about is new years resolutions abut losing weight, quitting the cig habit, cutting back on drinking, etc. instead of setting resoutions or goals that are...

Dec 14, 2015

Episode 66- ITS MY BIRTHDAY...behind the curtain and insights into my career, goals, and future dreams
Hey guys and gals..This is a Special episode featuring my good friend Michael Sharkey, host of The Talent Show podcast and my personal podcasting coach. I had the idea for my birthday this week to have him interview...

Dec 12, 2015

episode 65- 3 areas to begin prepping for the inevitable.....TAXES!!!!  UHHHHG...
Well Folks, I hate to be a Grinch but its time to talk taxes. Yep........Already. 
In this episode I give 3 areas to start focusing on as we start preparing the transition fro 2015 to 2016.  These areas will begin the process of...