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A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur

Sep 29, 2015

This past weekend was Tobacco Leafs 6th anniversary celebration which included fire breathers, dancers, live music, and 10+ artists demonstrating their talents. To get ready for this show there were several key arrangementss that had to be set in stone before committing  myself to it.  When going out of town for a show it not only affects my studio and crew  but also my family at home..So Its imperitive that before commiting yourself you need to get all your ducks in a row and even then when we arrived and setup there were a few items that we forgot to pack. So for the sake of helpng you the artists have a successful time I created this checklist and had to share it with you 
In the show I break down each part of the list into more detail. Listen through and see where you could make adjustments to cater to your specific needs.  This is just a guideline.

5-Keys to a Successful Demonstration 

1.Business- establish payment/compensation and dates of demo do not goto step Two until this is set in stone

2.Make all arrangements for transportation and accommodations. This all depends on the local of the shop. Whether you're flying, or driving both transportation and accommodations are crucial to establsh the foundation for the trip. Also find out what the shop will be supplying for example. Will they have a kiln, gases, tent, electrical,etc.  This information is crucial to be able to move on to step

3. Plan out the demonstration based on arrangements. Now that you have a good idea of the arrangements the. You can begin to plan out the demonstration.

4.Create an itemized list of all materials and supplies you will need to bring. If you are flying call ahead to the airline and ask what their requirements are when traveling with such equipment.  A hard case for the torch and tools is suggested and has to be checked on the plane. It cannot be a carry-on.

5.Have a ton of fun and be entertaining. Don't be afraid to interact with the audience. Especially since they've come to see YOU.  This is a great way to build a repor with your tribe and give them more reason to fall in love with you and your art.

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